Lady Macbeth chooses to watch...

1. Vampire Diaries 

Lady Macbeth became very sensitive to blood which is seen through her sleepwalking.  The vampires in Vampire Diaries are also very sensitive to the smell of blood and can not stand when someone is bleeding out because they just want to drink it.  Lady Macbeth would be able to relate to Elena who is scared when she first becomes a vampire and hates that she wants blood and panics when she drinks too much of it. 

2. Reign

Lady Macbeth would enjoy seeing how a woman would run Scotland as she aspires to be her and be able to be powerful over the kingdom.  She would be able to be brave and courageous to rule just like Queen Mary in the tv show Reign.  Queen Mary who became in control of Scotland and has to figure out the ruling and battles to fight which can relate to the Macbeth's.  

3. The Returned

The show is about how people who were pronounced dead are reappearing.  Lady Macbeth during her sleepwalking could not get the image of dead, bleeding out King Duncan out of her head and this relates to the characters who can not believe that dead ones have returned.  This also relates to the people who are friends with the people who know the dead person that came back.  For example a mom got her daughter back but her now boyfriend thinks that she is crazy that she believes she came back from the dead.  This relates to Lady Macbeth believing that Macbeth is crazy for seeing ghost Banquo at the coronation.

4. Scandal

Lady Macbeth and Macbeth are trying to figure out the government in order to guarantee Macbeth is king.  The Macbeth's are trying to be in control of the government in Scotland throughout the book like they are trying to figure out who should be president.  Olivia Pope tries to lead the presidents to order certain things as well as try to control things around the president and who it is and what they do.  This can relate to Lady Macbeth who never becomes the one in actual power but still tries to control Macbeth in his road to power.


  1. Hey, why don’t you have any pictures? How could I know what these shows look like bro? I’ve always wanted to watch the Vampire Diaries but now I don’t think I want to. Reign sounds like a Queen show and for sure Lady Macbeth wants to be Queen with all that power in Scotland. I really like the connection you made with Lady Macbeth’s sleep walking with the constant vision of King Duncan’s dead body then how before Macbeth seemed crazy for seeing Banquo’s ghost at the banquet. Scandal seems like a good show for Lady Macbeth to watch as you made the connection that she still tried to control Macbeth on his evil path to power.

  2. Wow, these are really good, and super accurate! Even though I'm super lame and haven't seen these, I know the premise of some of them, and I can definitely say that these relate to Lady Macbeth. The sleepwalking idea and being sensitive to blood is really cool for Vampire Diaries, and actually makes me want to watch the show even more than before (but I never can because of a little thing called lack of freedom). I really like your connections from the show to not just Lady Macbeth, but her reactions to what Macbeth tells her.

  3. I felt like all of these examples aligned really well with the play. The only thing I would suggest is just to clarify them a little more as a few of them were a little confusing as to what character was being addressed and why it applied but I really thought they were unique connections you were making. The connection to "the returned" was really interesting and I didn't realize that her sleep walking had her believe Duncan may not be dead but that totally makes sense. Also, the Banquo example is really supportive of that film choice but it is a film that I would have never thought of. The only other comment I had was for the first example, would Lady Macbeth eventually become like Elena, being scared of blood, or is she from the beginning? I just feel like it develops from having ambition to then feeling the guilt and wanting to wash the blood off of her hands. Great job and really unique set of films and tv shows!

  4. I really liked your blog! I thought all of the show that you picked were great examples that showed more of Lady Macbeth's dark (Netflix) side! I picked LM too, and I definitely thought that Scandal and Reign were great shows. I thought that you connection to The Returned was pretty cool, especially since no one really mentions her sleep walking. Nice job!!


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