Don't judge a book by its cover...

This cover is able to show who Kathy continues to be in the book, lonely.  Kathy is alone in a field with nobody around which is able to show that Kathy always felt alone in her feelings about remembering and highlighting her life in Hailsham.  The clothing she wears is a long sleeve shirt along with a skirt to below her knees.  The clothing she wears contrasts with the bright lighting in the picture and the sun reflecting off her golden hair.  The clothing she wears along with the fact that she looks pale emphasizes how Kathy has been separated from the outside world because she was in Hailsham which separated the clones from other humans.  The way that her head is looking down can put emphasize on her observant ways throughout the book because she is looking at the grass around her, which could also relate to her being separated from everything around her and the grass in a field is "new."  The text is very light and easily bendable with the background also emphasizing that Kathy is alone and the only noticeable thing on the cover of the book. 

This cover is able to signify one of the most important scenes in the book (to me), when Kathy, Tommy, and Ruth go to see the boat.  This scene is when they are grown up and Tommy and Ruth have been through a couple donations.  Ruth always described the scene as beautiful even though it was a crashed boat in a swamp.  This cover is able to show that this book shows something that may be considered ugly (cloning) yet shows a beauty underneath (relationship).  The color scheme of the cover is within the yellow palette, however all the colors are dim.  The yellow that should be shining for the sun is very dim and shows the bright beauty but is dim with the ugly.

This cover is very different than the past two, this one is dark.  The cover has an outline of a body with mixed up organs in thin lines.  The organs are not even placed in the right place (so I believe) the organs should be placed lower and there most definitely should be more.  The organs missing represent the organ donations that is placed for the students future.  The body may also represent how the students are clones and their organs are all they have to give, there is no head in the outline... just organs, which shows that the students do not have an identity to the guardians because they just want them to donate their organs when they grow older.  The cool blue tones with the dark blue/black representing the trees make the book look like it is a scary thriller book, while it is not.  The letters look very childish which can reflect how the students needed to show creativity even from a very young age.

This cover is very contrasting to the past two, this one has very light color tones which I noticed first.  The cover is very plain besides a child with their side towards the front cover yet the face is not shown.  This position of the child is able to represent that these clones in the book were just children most of the time due to Kathy's flashbacks, and the face not shown is able to represent how that the guardians Miss Emily and Madame did not like the children and only saw them as clones to live their future of selling organs, therefore should not have an actual identity.  

Between covers one and two the purpose is different.  As I mentioned before cover one shows a girl, her face which equals her identity, lying in a field with light, bright colors that are able to represent happiness and innocence.  The second cover is contrasting, the colors are dull with no child on the cover, only a boat that has no identity being lost and left alone in a swamp.  Cover one is able to represent the book in a happier light while cover two represents the novel in a dull, dark light.  Both covers are able to show a similar theme, lost.  The girl is alone in a field with her head tilted low which seems like she is looking around, while cover two has the lost boat which is able to represent that the future is lost.  The future is lost is shown because the boat would be able to travel and find anything but instead it is left alone in a swamp which equals a lost future.  The two covers are able to represent innocence and death and leave the reader looking for two different things through the book by the cover.  While the quote "don't judge a book by its cover" exists, the reader would think that cover one represents a happier book while cover two represents a mystery sadder book.  Cover one made me think of childhood and the innocence of it because I used to lay in fields of flowers and run barefoot in them.  I would believe the book is about something lighter than it is.  Cover two made me think of a mystery book, as well as that it is a book about a boat.  After reading the novel I know that it is not about an innocent child in a field of grass or a boat.  However, they both have a theme in the book, as said before the boat can represent the beauty and darkness throughout the book as well as the lost future.  The book is also about how the children were innocent towards their own futures and what they were, which is shown through a girl seemingly out of place trying to find comfort in a field of grass.


  1. Good job!! I liked how mentioned a lot of things that I didn't even encounter!! I do agree with you when you mentioned that the organs were not in place. I like how you mentioned that the organs represent as something that the children at Hailsham have to give, that is all they grow up for to become donors. I liked that you think that the boat cover represents the most important scene in the book because I think so as well, it represents growth because as we all know Ruth would always treat Kathy H like crap but Kathy H never stopped treating her bad and even when she needed Kathy H to be there for her Kathy was there for Ruth just shows what a beautiful human being Kathy is!! Overall good job !!!


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