
Showing posts from April, 2018

It was... and I was...

I could spend this whole blog talking about every detail of my high school experience, but I'll just highlight the parts that I will remember past high school.  To say the least, high school was an experience.  It is not just black and white, there were the parts that encouraged me to grow and the parts that changed me whether they be good or bad.  In high school I was always (am cause we're not done just yet?) known for being "the quiet one" and honestly it was never something that truly bugged me.  I am comfortable in silence as sometimes you should not just talk to talk.  I say things when I actually have something to say.  I do believe that being "the quiet one" has made people doubt me and that has sometimes allowed me to doubt myself.  But, I get over it because nobody should judge me because of my quiet nature... it just shows they need to be talking all the time and sometimes that is just annoying.  Anyway I can't think of much else to say a

Whitman's Notebooks

Document Observations: The cover of Whitman's notebook looks worn out and is discolored.  This signifies the use it was to Whitman, he must have had it and used it for a very long time in order for it to become like that.  This must have been a meaningful possession to Whitman by carrying it around and making a lot of use out of the journal.  He is a poet and most writers need a place to write down their thoughts at anytime of the day and that could include Whitman too.  The first writing I could read was his page titled "Brochure."  It talks about dialogue and between people and mentions the president elect which at the time was Abraham Lincoln.  I also noticed the stamp that was on the first page is on the second as well.   This stamp says "Liberty of Congress."  He could have used this stamp in order to categorize these thoughts on this page and the previous one (and whichever ones had the stamp on it) to have something to do with his thoughts on the wo