It was... and I was...

Image result for she remembered who she was
I could spend this whole blog talking about every detail of my high school experience, but I'll just highlight the parts that I will remember past high school.  To say the least, high school was an experience.  It is not just black and white, there were the parts that encouraged me to grow and the parts that changed me whether they be good or bad.  In high school I was always (am cause we're not done just yet?) known for being "the quiet one" and honestly it was never something that truly bugged me.  I am comfortable in silence as sometimes you should not just talk to talk.  I say things when I actually have something to say.  I do believe that being "the quiet one" has made people doubt me and that has sometimes allowed me to doubt myself.  But, I get over it because nobody should judge me because of my quiet nature... it just shows they need to be talking all the time and sometimes that is just annoying.  Anyway I can't think of much else to say about that topic so onto the next.  I came to Millbrook from Wakefield Middle which only two other people did, so I came to Millbrook with no friends and kind of a "fresh start."  From freshman year to sophomore year I never really had a place, but that may have been on me as I never truly allowed myself to get close to others or step outside.  However, that changed junior year when I actually allowed myself to do whatever I wanted and be the person who I was inside.  I was able to take steps outside of my comfort zone and be courageous, and maybe a little bit fearless.  This may not be seen by peers at Millbrook, but my true friends and people close to me have seen the change.  From this I gained my bestie Laura Conoly.  Sappy, but she has always believed in me and our friendship has grown tremendously from junior year and everyday we realize how we are the same person.  The memories we have made are definitely going to last past high school.  Senior year has come and gone it feels like, but I have really enjoyed it and have done things I am happy I did in hindsight.  I have gotten close to few more people and lost a couple.  But, I am a believer that things happen for a reason and it has allowed me some strength and realization, not as much guilt.  High school was an experience with multiple events that happened in my life, but I have grown by them and became stronger.  I came into high school a much different person than I am now leaving and I believe now I am much stronger, happier, and myself.  Now onto the next few years in college where I probably can and will still grow and change, but I am ready and open to all the new opportunities life will bring.  Even if -when- I hit more difficulties and rough patches in life, they will continue to make me stronger and I will have people around me that I can trust and support me.  Like the quote above says, I realized what I am capable of and who I am and now I know that I can conquer just about everything with time, friends and family.


  1. I thought I had gotten as gushy as possible in my blog post, but I am about to be even worse in this comment! This post is really true to who I've known you to be. I tell you all the time that one day you'll be editor of Vogue, which I don't doubt in a second, but at the end of the day I know whatever you do will be amazing. You and I don't get emotional very often, but I have known since we became friends that of all the amazing and talented people I know, I'd bet on you to go all the way anytime. Not because we're best friends, not because I know you, because you are tougher than anyone I know. I wish I could express how excited I am to see where you go because I'm sure it will be great.

  2. As someone who has gotten to know you over these past two years, I am delighted to say I have seen you become so much more confident in yourself, and I'm so glad you have noticed it too. Similar to you, I am a pretty quiet person. I only like to speak up in class if I know the answer, or have a question that could benefit the whole class. I really like your perspective on how you don't need to bother how other people see you. I believe that is a very important mindset to have in life and is something many people lack. It was so cool to read how you've grown over the course of your high school career, and I see you doing great things in the future!


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