American Dream

The "American Dream" is what everyone that comes to America believes in, possibly even Americans believe in it too.  However, I feel that born Americans know the truth of America then people coming to America to hope for the "American Dream."  The "America Dream" is what people believe in when they want America to let their dreams come true.  A dream for their family, wealth, and happiness.  The dream can go for people who are coming to America in order to have a better job or life.  I believe that the "American Dream" is surrounded with the thoughts of success and happiness, but I believe it can not be that unless the one wanting it works hard for it.  The "American Dream" can only come to those who takes risks and works hard for it.  There can be failures and successes all around the "American Dream," and it only truly can come to those who really want it and work for it even if they fail once or twice.

While I believe that wealth has a very strong connotation and association with money I do believe that wealth can be associated with other things such as self wealth, health, love, job, etc.  I believe that wealth is something that measures how rich a person is in aspects like money or the ones listed above. 

I believe that American's view wealth primarily with money so I believe that American's believe that those who have wealth (are rich) have this royalty over everyone.  I believe that American's look at them as something they can not have or achieve, but I do not believe in that.  I believe that all actors, musicians, authors, talk show hosts, etc. had to start somewhere and have a dream and they are just ones who worked hard and took risks to achieve it.  I believe that American's view people with poverty as people who are not taking things into their own hands.  They believe that the people dealing with poverty are failures and do not try to have a job or get money and a house.  I believe that you never can tell somebody's reason for being in poverty until you ask them personally because every situation is different. 

I believe that those who have wealth are ones who have worked hard for it because I believe that wealth is a measurement of what someone has in terms of family, providing for that family, health, work, etc.  I believe that you have to achieve wealth and do something with it and not just sit around with it like it could be if you inherit it.  I believe in what I said in the previous paragraph, that you can never judge someone for being in poverty or make assumptions because each situation is different and they should have respect from others. 


  1. I completely agree with what you are saying here! I also believe that people in poverty can never be judged on the reason why they are in poverty, and that the rich shouldn't sit around and expect inheritance. The American Dream is a result of extreme hard work and a reasonable amount of dreaming. I think you did a great job of addressing that, and I really enjoyed your positive attitude towards The American Dream!!


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